
Seth "Thorn Birds" Meyers Attic Session: Trump Wants His Coronavirus Failures to Be "Quickly Forgotten"

Nerdy Fish4/10/2020 4:04:34 pm PDT

Evening Lizardim from the wild north country. It’s Drive-Thru Date Night here, and this week’s choice was Arby’s. 94 new cases brings us to 1,336; 1600 new tests brings us to 33,894. 7 new deaths bring us to 57. The Minnesota Department of Health released their internal model today, after pressure from Republicans (led by a family practitioner advertising himself as an expert). They have two claims: 1) The widespread belief that the virus was here as early as late fall, and thus, the majority of us are already immune; and 2) that the University of Washington/IHME model shows that we have enough equipment to handle the peak of the curve, so we should just turn the economy back on now and get it over with. Minnesota’s internal modeling is considerably more conservative, and even with the peak of infection pushed out to mid-June, we still expect to have 22,000 casualties in our fair state. It’ll be interesting to see how these deluded dickheads (and my family members, who have been spouting their misinformation on Facebook) handle this development. How go things among the lizardfolk on this quiet Good Friday?