
Louisiana BOE Adopts New Policy Favoring Creationism

eon1/16/2009 5:14:45 pm PST

Good evening, Lizards. After being offline for four days due to the computer being in the shop after a power spike.

Which gave me some extra TV time. And while watching the evening local news the last couple of days, I saw an interesting ad. Animations of dinosaurs in the jungle. As the “camera” moved, I saw Diplodocus, Apatosaurus, and even T-Rex.

I assumed it was an ad for a COSI (Center Of Science and Industry, Columbus, OH) exhibit on paleontology. Which they frequently do, in just this sort of style.

And then the camera showed an Apatosaurus raising its head up toward a tree branch, probably to munch some leaves.

Only thing is, there was a small boy riding on its neck. He reached out his hand- and a hand reached down from the tree, looking suspiciously like the famous Creation fresco in St. Paul’s Cathedral.

The screen went black, and showed these words;

The Creation Science Museum.

You Will Believe.

Plus instructions on contact for times, etc.

When TV stations begin selling commercial time on the evening news for this sort of thing, methinks we are back to the mystical/anti-intellectual mentality that gave us Woodstock. No matter which end of the political spectrum it exudes from.

BTW, the station in question is WCMH-TV, Channel 4, the Columbus, OH, NBC affiliate. Anyone want to tell them they’re making fools of themselves?

