
Lebo: Using 'Academic Freedom' to Keep God in the Science Classroom

Salamantis2/19/2009 8:34:43 pm PST

re: #244 skicougar

Now, i am not Obama(naive) enough to think that more than a few creationists are looking to teach your child about God; but you will not run out of groups looking to put a pretty face on what they are looking to sell no matter where you are.

Since we will not live in an face value world ever, we should allow for these people to teach creationism.

Two examples why:
Poll: Only 3 Percent of Teens See Clergy as Role Models

From the above article:
“But the poll’s major finding is that although the overwhelming majority of teens (80 percent) believe they are ethically prepared to make moral business decisions, nearly 40 percent believe they need to “break the rules” in order to succeed.

More than one in four teenagers (27 percent) think behaving violently is sometimes, often or always acceptable, according to the poll. One in five teens (20 percent) reported to have personally behaved violently toward another person in the past year.”

and: Teachers support obama in classroom

Which includes:
“In Virginia, the Teachers Union sent its members an e-mail encouraging them to wear “blue” to show support for Barack Obama. The e-mail reads:

“Let’s make Obama Blue Day a day of Action! Barack the vote! There are people out there not yet registered. You teach some of them. Others, including our members, remain on the fence!”

>Now, we all know Obama is okay with giving partial birth abortion a pass. No matter what you believe, its very hard to argue that’s not murder and Obama was okay with it.

I concede that promoting Obama does not equate to teaching creationism, but given the quotes from teens above; it’s also hard to argue that allowing Biblical theory to be discussed would not have positive results of discussing Bible theory, verses and concepts by students, their parents and peers resulting in more positive and less detrimental choices by students.

For those against this, you’re expecting what ? Nationwide David Koresh and Waco incidents ? Pulease.

So since our schools have been arsenic-ed by leftist PC politics, your course of treatment is to dose the patient with creationist strychnine? Puh-LEEEZE! If parents want their kids to discuss Bible verses, they can send them to Sunday School. Or to a private parochial school.