
Another Massive Windfall for Palestinians

FloridaAnole3/06/2009 9:30:03 am PST

Well, we’ve probably got a few IOU’s left for a few extra Trillion. Might as well give some to the Palestinians////////(SARC TAGS!)

However, we can recoup that money! Yep! I had the extreme pleasure of clicking on the old TV at about 6:40 (EST) this morning and surfed to CSPAN, and there was Obama strutting and gesticulating in front of a roomful of shills declaiming “If went back to the levels of obesity we had in 1980, we could save a trillion dollars!” This is for real. He actually read this off his teleprompter! I grabbed a pen and wrote it down to save it for posterity.

We are going to be dieted into solvency!