
White House Beer Tastes Better

jaunte7/25/2009 5:15:50 pm PDT

Henry Gates’ daughter wasted no time getting on tv to talk about the incident:

Speaking on “The Early Show” Friday, Elizabeth Gates and Cambridge Mayor Denise Simmons, who is also black, talked about the possibility of bringing Gates and Crowley together to settle their differences.
Simmons said she has received a “positive response” from Gates, but has yet to hear back from Crowley. To which Elizabeth Gates said: “I don’t think the officer is being at all cooperative.”
On Thursday, the Cambridge Police Department said it would launch an investigation into the matter and it revealed that Crowley had been hand-picked by the city’s black police commissioner to teach a racial profiling class to new officers.
“I think he needs to maybe extend his sensitivity training,” Elizabeth Gates said of Crowley, and stressed the importance of the officer sitting down with her father.

“If it’s left as is, we’re going to rely on our preconceived notions of race.”