
Facts Not a Stumbling Block for Malkin

The Sanity Inspector12/16/2009 5:32:43 pm PST

re: #234 WindUpBird

You could say there was a bit of temporary insanity around 9/11.

Like this! [Link:…]

Or maybe it’s permanent insanity in the case of Falwell and Robertson. But this was revolting even for them.

There’s plenty of self-damning quotes out there, sure. Michael Moore wondering why the hijackers hit a blue state, Coulter demanding that we invade their countries and forcibly convert them to Christianity, that creep from Rage Against The Machine who apologized for America’s hatefulness on his webpage soon after the attacks happened. I took the attitude that, given the circumstances, everyone was entitled to a gut reaction, and gave them all a pass, once.