
Esquire: McCarthyism 2.0? The Right's Battle with ACORN

Kewalo1/05/2010 7:44:52 pm PST

re: #271 Olsonist

It went down further then actors, my cousin was a grip.

I have a little history for you. During the depression the communists in Hollywood would hold meetings and serve sandwiches, and there was a sign up sheet. It didn’t mean that anyone that attended was a commie, but I’m sure some were. Remember, it was nothing illegal or underhanded. Nobody thought twice about going. Well, those signup sheets were used against people and all it took was the accusation for a person to lose their job. It was a sad, sick part of our history and one we should all understand and make sure never happens again.

And while the communists would have loved to turn our country around, as you can see they didn’t even come close.