
Tea Partiers Planning to Infiltrate Wisconsin Protests

simoom2/20/2011 7:15:37 pm PST

According to a number of articles, there was a statement up at the Wisconson Law Enforcement Union’s website withdrawing support from Walker, but I don’t see it there anymore. Here’s a part of it that I’ve pieced together from various excerpted bits:

I specifically regret the endorsement of the Wisconsin Trooper’s Association for Gov. Scott Walker,” executive board president Tracy Fuller writes in a statement dated February 16. “I regret the governor’s decision to ‘endorse’ the troopers and inspectors of the Wisconsin State Patrol. I regret being the recipient of any of the perceived benefits provided by the governor’s anointing.

I think everyone’s job and career is just as significant as the others. Everyone’s family is just as valuable as mine or any other persons, especially mine. Everyone’s needs are just as valuable. We are all great people!!

I don’t believe that the Troopers Association could have possibly predicted, or comprehended the events that are unfolding in front of us at this time. I can agree that it was a tragic mistake for the Trooper’s Association to endorse the Governor,

Tracy Fuller, Executive Board President
Wisconsin Law Enforcement Association

I guess it was on the front page of here:

One of the articles mentioning it: