
Deniers' Review Supports Scientific Consensus on Global Warming - Right Wing Sad

SanFranciscoZionist4/04/2011 3:17:42 pm PDT

A guy I’m on a list with who’s always sending stuff I don’t like sent a whole article about how Lara Logan was attacked because Muslim culture sanctions rape, and now I am so mad I have sent one snarky comment, then an account of the gang rape in Richmond last year, then a Biblical verse, then an article about testimony of Bosnian Muslim women raped during the Balkan conflict and, most recently, two stories about eleven-year-old girls being gang-raped by non-Muslims in California and Florida. I was only looking for the Florida story, but it turns out that ‘gang rape of eleven-year-old’ gets you more than one story.

I have no idea why. After all, Western culture is so pure, and gynocentric.

This pisses me off from two directions. First, it’s lazy-assed faux-historical bigotry, and two, it’s pretending that somehow abuse of women in non-Muslim cultures is NON-cultural, and just sort of happens somehow.

Done ranting now.