
Casual Bigotry From the Front Page of the Wall Street Journal

wrenchwench9/12/2014 10:27:23 am PDT

re: #297 Petero1818

Well I am a little surprised that you would resort to such a ridiculous as hominem attack for something so silly but so be it . I guess it shows that you can’t reference anything objective in the article to refute my point to begin with. Notwtithstanding your apparent desire to avoid the actual debate, I read the article (again shouldnt have been neccessary given the original post) and there is not a single line in it from my reading that changes my view of the statement above. But since it was you who suggested that I get back to you when I read it, and given that I now have, perhaps you could quote what other part of the article confirms your conclusion that the statement is bigotted, and which part of the article that is not quoted above gives more credence to that conclusion.

Your ‘debate style’ sucks.

I call the statement bigoted because Seib is clearly referring to a specific area in the world, and it is not the ‘area’ known as ‘the Muslim world’, it is the area of Iraq and Syria. I come to that conclusion by taking the context of his words into account. The ‘context’ is the complete article, so if you want to know ‘which part’, just go read it all again.