
Lindsey Graham Sneaks Onto the Trump Train

majii5/23/2016 2:49:13 pm PDT

re: #289 Blind Frog Belly White

I have a niece who has joined what I call a cult. She now refuses to give her Social Security number to any government agency which is stupid because the federal government assigned the SS # in the first place. My sister-in-law is appalled at this nonsense and my niece joining what, after a bit of investigation on my part, I’ve since classified as a sort of sovereign citizens’ group. I offered to buy a car for her a couple month ago, if she would enroll in a legitimate college. So far, she hasn’t taken the offer. I tried to tell her that since she has a kid, there will come a day when her parents won’t be around to help her take care of the kid, but she’s obstinate and seems to think that one day she’ll own her own business and become a very rich person without having to educate herself. My brother already passed away due to cancer in October 2015, so she’s down to one parent. My sister-in-law isn’t in any position to help her, but she remains a true believer in the teachings of the group she has joined. Also, I don’t think being black and a member of a sovereign citizens’ group is a good idea, but she’s beyond listening to reason.