
Overnight Open Thread

Jack Burton in Mactified Forshion3/10/2009 1:04:55 am PDT

re: #278 Ojoe

I’m not sure how much of a difference that will make if the government controls everything as it is well on its way to doing so. It’s less “socialism” per se (as in the government paying for a lot of things and taxing the shit out of us to do it) that I think will drive people over the edge but more totalitarianism. The over-arching nanny statism that will eventually make every single action and decision in your life a federal issue of some degree. You need to pay a fee, a tax, wear a helmet, get a special certificate, get a license, and/or ask for permission or a waiver to do just about everything but masturbate as it is now. It’s only getting worse and it is coming hand in hand with socialism, hence my blaming that particular “-ism”.

Beyond the ideas that people need to be more responsible for their own actions and less dependent on others, exactly what part of “morality” needs to be fixed is not something I could identify, define, or develop a working way to do so.