
Scotland's Shame

Silvergirl8/20/2009 11:07:17 am PDT

Comments from Scottish bloggers. I divided them into two groups of three comments. Only the ones who are clearly Scotsmen are here. If you want the article and all the comments look here

1) So the Yanks are disgusted are they? Well most of Scotland is disgusted that the Yanks are extrdicting Gary McKinnon. How does it feel, America?

2) This is for the best. What happen in Lockerbie was terrible, but no one can be a 100% sure that Megrahi was involed in the insadent, if he was, it’s clear that they he wasnae the only one envoled.

Was it no something like 3 or 4 men that faced the court and one by one each had their case droped with the expetion of Megrahi.

Any way Megrahi has spent 8 years in prision and is terminaly ill. May be it’s no long enoungh for people who suffered in a America BUT serousley the way some of the familys are acting is they might have been angry if he died in prison withing the next year or so because he didn’t serve enough time for their sufering.

The mans an ecape goat, why is haveing one terminily ill man dieng in prison justice for their lose, when they are people who where possibly envoled in the insadent running about free to do what ever they like.

3) It may not have been the perfect political hill to defend, but MacAskill/Salmond’s decision to defy Hillary and Bam and release the Evil Bomber signals that the Scottish government is now in the foreign affairs business big time.
Which is a giant step forward for Scottish independence.
Well done Kenny and Alec.
Meanwhile that idiot Brown is completely out of the picture.
Of course, all this could have been handled better. Which is why the SNP should get on with the vital business of setting up embassies (call then “Agent Generals” if that makes Westminster feel better)in major capitals.
Washington being the most pressing.
One small step back for man. One giant leap forward for Scotsmen (and lasses, of course).

[on the other hand …]

1) There is no case for compassion in this situation. This is just some misguided attempt to thumb our nose at America. We are the laughing stock of the world now thanks to this moronic posturing.

2) One giant leap into a cow pat of stupidity and posturing.
Kenny just aiming to free up jail space for drunk neds by releasing mass murderers on a doctors line ?

Brilliant - oh yeah lets set up embassies all over the world . We’d give em a good laugh. Pathetic

3) nonsense. All he has done is kick the victims in the teeth. I hope their next election slogan “Vote SNP we love terrorists” does them well. The massive hurt caused to innocent families who have already suffered so much is incredible. If you were an American tourist would you want to visit this wretched country while these traitors were in charge. No. We owe America an apology and Mr MacAskill a P45.