
Shocka! Right Wingers Speak Out Against Glenn Beck!

Summer Seale1/03/2010 10:46:43 pm PST


Seems that the British just can’t get over the Iraq War:

Sir John Major criticises Tony Blair over Iraq war

I used to respect John Major a bit, but not after this. The fact is that “Saddam was a bad man” is an entirely valid argument to get rid of him. I don’t buy the argument that it isn’t enough of an argument to get rid of a despotic, tyrannical, evil and sadistic son of a bitch. I wish the world actually took that argument more seriously. Then we’d have less Darfurs and Rwandas and a bit more stability, quite honestly.

Also, anyone who describes Saddam as simply “a bad man” really needs to start learning a bit more euphemisms from the OED. That’s akin to calling Kim Jong Il “a terrible chap”.

When a leader of a nation falls into the sadistic bloodletting rituals and tortures and murder of hundreds of thousands of people, “a bad man” doesn’t cut it as a description.