
Video: Debunking Monckton, Part 2

Mad Prophet Ludwig4/17/2010 7:42:16 pm PDT

re: #263 Cato the Elder

Dude, you know I like you, and I agree with your science. But what the hell? Would you like a thread where everyone just said “yeah, that Monckton is an ape-shit asshole!”, then prayerfully folded their hands and nodded to everything you say?

It would be dead in five minutes, and all the AGW piety and anxiety would still not make a shit-bit of difference in the outcome.


Your ability to cast this as what it is not is rather offensive - however much I like you.

What I would like is the following:

1. A discussion of science more than the thin skins and egos of the deniers.

2. A discussion of how to get the facts out and what the facts are.

3. A discussion of what individuals can do and actually are doing about this.

4. The same level of contempt directed at deniers as we would at evolution deniers.

5. YOU personally to stop with the Cassandra nihilist shtick. It is still not too late to do something.

6. People to understand the extreme gravity of the situation. BS discussions about anything else are part of the problem too.

7. People other than me and a few others like Thanos, OB and Free and Charles - to bring science of their own to this.

8. More questions like the one from Alouette about the volcano- where an actual science discussion follows.