
When Lying Right Wing Hacks Attack (or, Patterico the Idiot)

researchok1/21/2011 1:16:58 pm PST

re: #293 BishopX

Can you please define what you mean by pro-marriage? specifically what legislative proposals does one have to support to be considered pro-marriage?

From where I sit “pro-marriage” is an anti gay dog whistle, I’m assuming you don’t mean that however, which leaves me confused about what you do mean.

Moynihan was talking about children out of wedlock, which he saw as devastating to the African American community. He decried the lack of fathers, over reliance on welfare, etc.

He saw marriage as a part of the remedy.

He cited the numbers a lot- children from stable, two parent homes were more likely to be educated, escape poverty, etc.

His pro marriage stance had nothing to do with gay marriage.