
Onion: Radical Social Security Reform Measures Proposed

Birth Control Works7/28/2011 8:56:40 pm PDT

re: #275 engineer dog

in addition, any money handed out to poor people goes right back into the american economy

the poor don’t have swiss bank accounts or expensive tastes in european automobiles

I’ve ranted plenty about how OUR MONEY is used by the “poor”. I don’t think it should be spent on coke and pork rinds, which it is. These UPC’s are allowed (at least in Illinois). Big Corporate lobbyists make sure of it —which it turn ensures employment for those working for the corporation.

It doesn’t help the obesity issue, the medical care costs issue or the ignorance of the “poor” buyers.

I don’t have a problem with some things, like candy at Halloween or Easter, but NOT ALL YEAR.

I’m not going to rant on this all night. I’m too tired.

I see a lot of WIC checks and LINK cards in my job and the people that use them. I would love it most of them spoke English. I would love it if most of them were married and over 18. I would love it most of the people using them actually understood it was MY MONEY they were spending.

I don’t want babies and children to go without the food they need. I just wish the people who brought these kids into the world thought about it first. Not all are “users”. I also see a lot of two parent working families that seriously need the help. I see single mothers who work full-time who do need the help. In the area in which we live, the RENT is TOO DAMN HIGH, public transportion isn’t what it is in the city and the price of gas cuts into every budget.

Ok, rant off. I’m done.