
The Impeachment Trial of Donald Trump (Day 8): All the President's Liars

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷1/28/2020 2:39:43 pm PST

Man in Court on Marijuana Charges Lights Up a Joint and Tells Judge That Pot Should Be Legalized (goes to Deadstate)

A Tennessee man making a court appearance on a charge of simple possession wound up being arrested Monday after he lit a marijuana cigarette in the courtroom, NBCNews4 reports.

Spencer Boston was called into court to discuss his case before General Sessions Judge Haywood Barry. Then he took the opportunity to tell the judge he believed marijuana should be legalized.

Reaching into his pocket he allegedly pulled out what appeared to be a rolled marijuana cigarette and put it in his mouth. Then he pulled out a book of matches and lit the cigarette. Reports say the cigarette smelled like marijuana.

At that, the courtroom burst into laughter and Spencer was taken into custody and charged with disorderly conduct and possession of a Schedule VI drug.