
Colbert From Home: Trump Insists We've "Prevailed" as Dr. Fauci Refuses to Sugarcoat His Coronavirus Outlook

Targetpractice5/13/2020 3:02:55 pm PDT

re: #297 Patricia Kayden

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That’s because it’s always been about finding acceptance among the crowd that has ignored and belittled him for ages: The NY high society. He’s tried for ages to get their approval, to be seen as one of them, and instead has found that they consider him little more than a failed businessman and a slumlord. If he shows up at their parties, it’s often uninvited and unwanted. They don’t seek him out for advice, they don’t put him on lists of VIPs, and they see his brood as “more of the same.” He’s spent himself into massive debt trying to “fake it til [he] makes it” and while he’s fooled the rubes into thinking he’s a success, the people who actually know success see him as the rich society equiv of the redneck who won the lottery.