
Trump and Melania Test Positive for Covid-19

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷10/02/2020 6:17:08 am PDT


I don’t want Trump to die before election day, just suffer. I really don’t want him to quickly rebound from a mild case and say that proves it was no big deal.

The end of Five Dollar Feminist’s article:

So, God willing, this asshole will get better! Then we can beat him fair and square and have an orderly transition of power. Let the GOP understand that they didn’t get spanked on a technicality — the country really, really hates what they’ve allowed themselves to become.

Because these people have already stolen enough from us. They’ve taken our time, and our peace of mind, and our friendships, and our faith that we live in an orderly, democratic country of good and decent people. For four years we’ve endured daily chaos and bullying and degradation and humiliation. And now through their own pig ignorant carelessness these amoral ghouls have plunged the country even deeper into uncertainty by risking their own lives and the lives of thousands of people who come into contact with them.

And for what? For an election they were probably always going to lose because they couldn’t be bothered to lift a finger to keep the country safe?

So, best wishes for a speedy recovery, honestly, we mean it. Get well soon, you country-ruining son of a bitch. Get well, and get back here and finish what you started. You owe us that much.