
9/11 Family Member Appalled at Obama's Gitmo Closing

foxsecret1/26/2009 6:38:39 pm PST

re: #209 avanti

Defending the constitution is not defending savages. Our system of justice simply says you can’t lock someone up a throw away the key without some sort of charge.
If you disagree, work to amend our constitution so the government can lock up anyone, anytime, and without charges. Sorry, but that’s a conservative reading of our constitution.

Terrorists do hot have constitutional rights. In fact THEY ARE NOT PROTECTED BY THE GENEVA CONVENTIONS EITHER…what do you think of that?

This all started because the US supreme court took it upon them selves to dictate foreign policy from the bench when the constitution gave them no such jurisdiction in the first place.

Can you find me in the constitution where the terrorist have due process?