
Esquire: McCarthyism 2.0? The Right's Battle with ACORN

Gus1/05/2010 7:45:19 pm PST

re: #289 jayzee

Agree again. Many of my friends and family had lives ruined as a result and many of them were communists too. There was nothing wrong with that. They still have a communist party here too. The fact that the Soviets infiltrated the communist parties, or other organizations in the US did not mean that all people associated with those organizations were traitors or disloyal Americans.

Yes. Logic would also tell me that it would be rather stupid to think that a spy would join a communist party. Perhaps they could have been affiliated at one time but the obvious answer to a spy would have been non affiliated. I was curious to see how many spies would have met this criteria and were in the end spies for economic gain.