
Silver Surfer #1, 'The Origin of the Silver Surfer' (August 1968)

Ericus584/22/2010 5:43:28 am PDT

re: #245 iceweasel

Ok, cool— thanks for answering, Veggie. ;)

Myself, I think there’s a big difference between not liking abortion and wanting to help ensure there is less need for abortion (by making birth control more available, and also adoption more available)—- versus wanting to ensure that no one can get an abortion, or making it extremely difficult to get one if you want one. I have loads of pro-life friends and acquaintances who all fall into the first category.

Similarly, w/r/t gay marriage— this is something you and I might talk about sometime— you’re a supporter of equal rights and civil unions, and frankly the religious people I talk to who have that position tend to be people who have an issue with the use of the word marriage, or have a fear that ‘gay marriage’ would force their church to perform them or recognise them; they don’t want to prevent people from having equal rights in a gay partnership.

Anyway, I’m an atheist and as you know a filthy lib. But I don’t have a problem with religion per se or religious people, and I think religion has often been a force for good. Plus I know and respect so many people for whom religion is a great thing and a guiding force.
If this church works for you, go for it! best wishes to you both.

Awesome post, awesome perspective.