
Overnight Video: The Emancipation of Prince

Kragar7/26/2012 10:18:42 am PDT

Fischer: ‘Muslims are Worshiping a Demon’

Fischer: Allah is an extremely powerful demon. He is a demon God. What Muslims are worshiping is actually a demon. They think they are worshiping God, they’re deceived, they’ve been fooled, so I don’t want to be hard on them, the Muslims have been fooled, they’ve been lied to, they’ve been deceived, they think they are worshiping the true God but they are worshiping a demon-god, this is according to the New Testament. You may disagree with me but there is no question that this is what Christianity teaches. So it’s fine if you take a different view, that’s fine, you’re entitled to your view, this is America; we have freedom of speech and freedom of thought. But from a Christian stand point, from a New Testament stand point, there’s no question that Muslims are worshiping a demon. Allah is a demon God. Remember Jesus himself believed in the existence of Satan, he took Satan very seriously, Satan is a very real being according to the New Testament, he’s out there, not some kind of shadowy, vague, powerless figure but he is the dark ‘prince of the power of the air,’ as the New Testament describes him, so that’s who Muslims are worshiping.