
Thursday Night Jam: Phox

Dr. Matt3/06/2015 9:22:50 am PST

Obama Derangement Syndrome is real, scary, and getting worse.

Conservative columnist can’t mourn Nimoy’s death because Spock reminds him of Obama

The editor in chief of the fucktarded conservative Washington Free Beacon published a rant column today in which he outlined why he felt “apathetic” about the passing of Leonard Nimoy — his iconic character, Spock, reminds him too much of Teh Black Man President Barack Obama.

Matthew Continetti opened his column by noting that the president himself drew the comparison, writing “I loved Spock. Cool, logical, big-eared, and level headed, the center of Star Trek’s optimistic, inclusive vision of humanity’s future.”

“As I thought more about the president’s statement,” Continetti wrote, “I realized he identifies with the very aspects of the Spock character that most annoy me. I am a fucking idiot don’t love Spock at all.”