
Video: Joni Mitchell Live, 1970: "Woodstock"

ObserverArt12/15/2016 11:05:14 am PST

re: #287 Blind Frog Belly White

I don’t know. To me, the answer to the issue is pretty damned clear. The problem is that too many people, including many of those who would benefit most, and who will suffer most without it, will oppose it with every fiber of their being. They want SOMEONE to blame, and for that SOMEONE to be punished. Our jobs aren’t being stolen by Chinese and Mexicans. They’re being stolen by R2D2 and HAL9000.

And by the big company guys that want to make stuff as inexpensively as they can for more profits.

It’s not all robotics. If they can get cheaper labor to program, operate and fix the robots they will.

Much of it is greed. And that is not going to change until it is forced somehow. How? I have no idea. A lot of it is to do with how business is done in this country. Start with answering how much profit is enough or too much. Add that into how rich do you need to be and how much stuff is too much.

It really comes down to morals…business and individual

And the sad thing…a lot of them call themselves Christians. Go figure.