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Nerdy Fish3/07/2022 7:53:01 am PST

re: #301 lawhawk

Ukraine’s getting fresh shipments of weapons - Javelins, stingers, and all kinds of gear that eliminates tanks, aircraft, etc.

Russia’s replenishment is coming from where? They initiated a war thinking they’d win easily, and their supply chain looks like it’s fubar, and where are they replenishing the gear that’s lost?

The longer this goes on, the more desperate Putin is to try and secure what he thinks is a win, and the more Ukraine may be able to hold out.

I’m just wondering where in the pipeline the failure occurred. Did Putin even know that his armed forces were in a shockingly poor state, or did his advisers and financiers lie to him about the state of the Russian military so they could keep their own coffers full?