
We Got Mail! (And the Door Opens) - Update: The Door Closes

Shane2/16/2009 10:34:49 am PST

re: #296 Sharmuta

Ya, thats the problem with talking about Climate Change. Do I beleive the climate changes? Absolutely. Do I beleive it is due to CO2 in the atmosphere. Nope. Not only nope, but scientifically studied, mathematically analyzed nope. Do I think we should study the Climate? Sure, I do. I would love to be able to accurately forecast a good ski day. Would I like to see less pollution and cleaner energy? Sure. Would I hamstring our national well being to do so? Nope again.

As far as the creationism threads. It makes me cringe that some of the wack-a-do’s are in my party. So it makes me uncomfortable reading them because at times these same representatives seemed rational and represented ideas I agreed with. But point taken, mostly I don’t read them.