
LGF on Glenn Beck

opnion4/16/2009 3:45:08 pm PDT

re: #262 Catttt

Perhaps. However, the crowd phenom, where no one actually contradicts them, set in. One on one, many people will contradict. In a crowd, if no one else does, no one does.

Example: Once, on a bus (night, DC, me the only white person), a guy lit up really stinky hashish. It was truly hugely stinky. The bus was full of working class people. No one said anything. So - I said, loudly,”Mr. Bus Driver, please have them put that out.” Everyone then spoke up with “Yeah!” type remarks - loudly. The bus driver pulled over, turned the bus off, pocketed the key, stood up, crossed his arms, and said “We aren’t going anywhere ‘til you throw that out the window.” The guy did. Everyone cheered. We smiled all the way home.

If I am following you, you are suggesting that someone should have loudly complained about the woman? Perhaps, but you can clearly hear an individual take her on. It seemed to me that she was just kind of dismissed. Also if that was a lot of applause , it was mostly one handed.