
Onion: Special Boy with Freakishly Large Brain Wins Spelling Bee

Last Mohican5/08/2009 8:37:21 pm PDT

re: #258 Sharmuta

I love being told I don’t understand the Constitution by people who don’t understand the Constitution. Idiots.

Shows how much you know.

I quote Article VIII, Section 1 (an often-overlooked part of the U.S. Constitution):

Upon clearly proffered request posed by any bona fide citizen of the several states, a blogger must stop whatever else he is doing, and explain to the expressed satisfaction of the requester why he always has to be all hatin’ on Ron Paul, whom this Constitution hereby ordains as a true and loyal champion not only of freedom, but also of liberty, and furthermore surprisingly handsome and vital for a man of his age.

/sarc! don’t block me!