
Avengers #25, 'Enter... Dr. Doom' (February 1966)

The Spite House5/08/2010 10:51:15 pm PDT

re: #300 Nimed

re: #260 JasonA

Whatever it is, it’s the same reason that places Liberal Fascism, Liberty and Tyranny, and many Michelle Malkin’s, Glenn Beck’s and Ann Coulter’s books #1 Amazon and NYT best-sellers.

I can’t remember an equivalent book that had the same success on the Left. The closest ones were probably Gore’s Assault on Reason and Greenwald’s A Tragic Legacy, but these aren’t exactly liberal red meat screeds. The strict equivalent would probably be Why We’re Liberals, which didn’t sell very well.

There’s a culture of resentment on today’s conservative Right (but not libertarian Right) that has no equivalent on the Left, period.

I always loved Al Franken’s books. He did his homework.