
Angle's 'Slush Fund' Becomes 'Important First Step'

Nimed7/08/2010 8:34:25 pm PDT

re: #282 freetoken

I certainly agree with you on evolution or AGW. In the case of macroeconomics, and putting aside the Austrian “School”, there does seem to be two mainstream views with very different practical recommendations regarding economic policy. So, in this case, the two opposing views are less strained than in the topics you mentioned.

The problem is that Ferguson is not a good representative of the neoclassical school. I confess I sympathize much more with Krugman’s view for, well, ideological reasons, but damn it, I wish this program had invited a more adequate “foil”. That’s why I mentioned Cochrane and Fama. Stiglitz, Krugman and Brad DeLong are great, but I’m tired of seeing coherent, in-depth analysis from “my side” in the press and blogosphere.