
The GOP: Bringing Back Infectious Diseases

Aceofwhat?3/21/2011 6:47:38 pm PDT

re: #297 Obdicut

And again, it is about the enormity of the rest of the things that the GOP are doing. No matter how much you may want to stay on the topic of the thread, the truth is that the actions of the GOP are judged in the light of their other actions, and Obama’s are as well. If Obama had a history of slashing programs for the poor, if he was unionbusting, if he was attempting to pass along more gigantic tax cuts for the wealthy, then he’d be judged in the same way as the GOP.

We do not, should not, and cannot judge each every separate action in a perfectly neutral manner.

I disagree. “If Obama does A it’s ok but if the Republicans do A it’s because they hate the poor” is sloppy, sloppy thinking. We’re better than that. If there’s anything we can judge on the merits, it’s a line-item budget. What unions have to do with this…i have no idea…but invoking unions here seems like a reach. At best.