
Fox News Audience Spews Racial Slurs at Morgan Freeman

Donna Ballard9/23/2011 7:03:15 pm PDT

re: #299 allegro

Wow that’s really creepy. LOL Knowing his age, it made me think about my late husband who would be 71 now. It made me think about how I just got back from visiting my best friend of 30 years who is 76.

Damn, That is a weird feeling! We’re all still young, rowdy adults in my head the way I experience us - well except for my husband who is yanno, dead. Putting a number to it and seeing what that number is is freaking me out.

Ooops, sorry! I did not mean to do that… Poor (((Allegro)))
I’m sorry your Hubby Bubby’s no longer with you. Getting old sucks! I just got put on Synthroid cause the treatment they gave me as a kid for my over-active thyroid has now backfired and its gone hypo-active so now I’m on a pill a day for the rest of my life. Just another indicator that I’m getting older.