
George Zimmerman's Bond Revoked for Lying to the Court

HRH Stanley Sea6/01/2012 6:35:10 pm PDT

re: #295

Yes, I should have included some sarc tags on that.

If I posted here regularly anymore, I would prolly be helping Satt, NJD, Buck and Killgore hold down the fort in the bottom 10.

But I can’t go anywhere else even if I wanted to (which I don’t) because I’m part of the vast twitter-gulag conspiracy.

Caught in the middle…nowhere to go…all by my lonesome in the vast desert of aloneness…

No you wouldn’t. No way. You are thoughtful and never a flame thrower. More credit to you is deserved. Because you might be on the same perimeter of the dang right left line does not make your comments unwelcome. Actually they are the balance needed. Just please don’t sympathize and excuse cops pepper spraying college girls. ;)