
Is Mitt Romney Donald Trump With Better Hair?

Anymouse šŸŒ¹šŸ”šŸ˜·1/02/2019 9:42:58 pm PST

MIT Developing Shrink-Ray. Steve Martin To Sue. (Carlos Sagan at Wonkette)

Itā€™s not actually a shrink ray, as the article explains.

So, itā€™s not exactly DIRECT miniaturization of objects. The scientists who came up with the process call it ā€œimplosion fabricationā€ and itā€™s more like 3D photocopying with the shrink setting on your machine set to 1/1000. How does it work? Iā€™m glad you asked!


Essentially they picked a very absorbent material (the stuff in disposable diapers) to serve as a scaffold for the end product. They stick their stuff to it to make the object, then shrink the scaffold with a particular acid that shrinks the diaper material by a factor of ten in each dimension.