
An Excellent Sci-Fi Short: A Phone Call to the Past: "The Give and Take"

ObserverArt1/13/2019 7:23:31 pm PST

re: #253 Myron Falwell

Trump never progressed beyond being a third grader with his desire to insult and belittle anyone who dares challenge him. He’s done this since pillorying Rosie O’Donnell on a daily basis back in 2006. It’s fine if you want to remain in grade school for the rest of your life, but totally destroys any chance you have to be a competent leader or someone who can win over anyone beyond your rabid fringe base.

The only people he hasn’t belittled in public, beyond his family? Fox News opinion hosts, and Putin.

He did it before 2006 Myron.

He has always been like that. I’ve followed him as far as a personality since the late 70s. He’s had the big mouth and the put-downs the whole time.

Go with the old phrase of a tiger never changes its stripes.