
Video: Rep. Mike Castle vs. the Nirthers

Buck7/20/2009 1:00:38 pm PDT

re: #256 RunningBare

Not entirely accurate. Ward Churchill claimed that the United States government did it to the mandan indians sometime in the 1800s. THAT IS FALSE. However, Lord Amherst, a brit, did it to indians sometime in the 1700s - there is debate whether it was done deliberately or not, but it DID happen. Ward Churchill is a gaping vagina.

Hope this helps.

What happened? That natives got Small Pox? Certainly… That the White man used known infected blankets, supposedly to spread the disease? Even you state that it is not certain.

I am still calling it bullshit. That along with the story about the USS Liberty, and the OK bombing…. AS presented in that article as conspiracies that turned out to be true. I say at least these three are not.