
Tuesday Night Open

Gus11/10/2010 7:46:58 am PST

Joyce Kaufman, Allen West’s Chief Of Staff, Advocated Hanging Illegal Immigrants Who Commit Crimes

* In August 2007, when discussing illegal immigrants, she said on her show, “If you commit a crime while you’re here, we should hang you and send your body back to where you came from, and your family should pay for it.”

* She became infuriated at illegal immigration after she called Comcast and the recording said, “Press 2 for Spanish.”

* She said at a rally, with West standing by, “Calling illegal immigrants ‘undocumented workers’ is like calling a drug dealer a pharmacist without a license.” She was furious that children of illegal immigrants were educated in public schools and received health care at emergency rooms. “There are people who want to change your way of life, and some of them may be your gardeners,” she said.