
Tom Waits on the Fallon Show: Raised Right Men

Targetpractice7/12/2012 8:43:12 am PDT

re: #297 Expand Your Ground

If we are competing with other nations based on labor costs, then that can be a good thing: it motivates us to be more efficient.

But if we are letting them compete based on laxer safety or environmental regulations, then we are doing nobody a favor: neither the industries we are undercutting or the residents of foreign countries whose health is suffering.

Yeah, that’s the other half to the “economic reality” of outsourcing, namely that we’re outsourcing to the lowest bidder in every respect, whether it be environmental regulation, worker safety, civil rights, or so forth. The more realistic look at it is we’ve outsourced our jobs to whichever slave nation offers the biggest profit for the smallest input.