
New Hawaii Sen. Brian Schatz: Climate Change Is the "Most Urgent Challenge of Our Generation"

lawhawk12/28/2012 9:04:11 am PST

The NRA is the real victim of Newtown? Really?

The NRA was an afterthought to Newtown until LaPierre opened his yapper on the Friday after the massacre and proceeded to blame everyone and everything except the prodigious amounts of guns strewn across the landscape (and hours before we learned of yet another massacre at a church in PA, and before another gunman murdered two firefighters responding to a fire in NY, among others).

It was once the NRA signaled that they would double down on demanding unfettered access to firearms all while pushing for the limitations on free speech and rights of the mentally ill that the rhetoric took full aim on the NRA. Not before.

After all, the NRA issued a statement that it would seek to make a meaningful contribution to the debate. Well, turns out they lied. They have no intention to making a meaningful contribution - only to rake in the donations and pump up the gun sales as much as possible.

The NRA attacks video game makers - the same video game makers who make deals with firearms manufacturers to showcase their weaponry in FPSs. The credits roll at the end of the video games and you see all the big names are there.

Reynolds has it backwards.