
Vladimir Putin Lectures the US on Morality in the New York Times, Greenwald Co-Signs

lawhawk9/12/2013 6:06:26 am PDT

re: #273 Sol Berdinowitz

I only neutrally linked to an extremist/hate group because one of their isolated talking points supports my cause.

And only neutrally linked even though I bumped into 140 twitter character limit to avoid using the name of this group, which would have raised all kinds of red flags.

He consciously chose how to phrase his tweets on the Oathkeeper support for his pet cause because he knows that if he had used the name, it would have raised more questions into what his intent is.

It’s cute to watch his dudebros try to claim that Greenwald’s winning with this claptrap or that the Oath Keepers aren’t a militia (ignoring the bit about them being a bunch of right wing extremists who are engaging in militia tactics and are organizing to fulfill their “oaths”.