
Scott Walker Tells Dana Loesch Mandatory Ultrasounds Are 'Just a Cool Thing'

Justanotherhuman5/28/2015 2:28:50 am PDT

Looking forward to seeing this doc, “Hot Girls Wanted”, on Netflix tomorrow. It sounds like a pretty good examination of the difference between women’s natural sexuality and the exploitation of our sexuality by looking at these barely legal young women in a very personal way and what drives them to pursue this kind of sex work.

In an odd, twisted way, the increasing availability of porn has always struck me as a corollary to the “Stepford Wife”, except that this particular role requires the participating woman to be available to many men, from performance to viewing, as a one dimensional character. What it does to still-forming minds such as these young women, and any others who see sex as “no big deal” regardless of consequences, remains to be seen, not to mention boys who grow up with the idea of female sexuality being yet another consumable they can buy at will.