
The Day Before House Intelligence Demanded an Answer From Trump, He Admits He Didn't Record James Comey

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)6/22/2017 5:23:19 pm PDT

re: #302 Quoth the raven, Covfefe.

My weekend, in order:

1) Today - had pad thai for lunch on the company, then Mrs. Fish brought home McDonaldā€™s. Calorie count blown to hell.
2) Tomorrow night - date night at the local cafe with Mrs. Fish (automatically torpedoes any diet plansā€¦ pretty much canā€™t eat anything for the rest of the day up until then if I want to keep my calorie count)
3) Saturday - town festival. I may not have mentioned this, but my town is a German Catholic town. So the yearly town festival isā€¦ wait for itā€¦ sausage, barbecue, and beer. Yup.
4) Sunday - another shift at church, which means breakfast out, and then itā€™s Doctor Who night with Mrs. Fish, which implies junk food and booze.

Needless to say, if I can get to Monday without gaining any pounds, Iā€™ll be pleased as punch.

And weā€™ve got fourth of July coming up too. But yeah I was doing great this week until we had fajitas from my favortie Tex-Mex place tonight. All good though. Iā€™ve been doing laps at the pool.