
Stephen Colbert: Trump Hates White House Leaks, According to White House Leaks

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus5/22/2018 3:59:01 pm PDT

re: #270 EPR-radar

The hard lesson, that many may not have learned, is that the religious-right has a long term agenda and are willing to stick with it.

The smearing of Hillary was a means to their end.

The very real problem I see with many self-styled “progressives” is that there is not much skill in long-term planning and execution, nor willingness to fight a long-term war that will continue beyond the individual.

In other words, “progressives” in 2018 are not like the Suffragettes of a century ago, who were part of a cause that had to work for decades to get to certain goals.

This is what we see with the Bernie-bots, who are hot for the season, but just stick with one response forever.

Progress, real progress, is about maneuvering around/through entrenched ways of life to bring something that is hoped to be better.

This is not done with just a single hot candidate, or with a hashtag that trends today and is forgetten tomorrow.

There is a sense, I get anyway and others may not, that the turnover needed in generations to finally move past where we are today with the rise of atavistic groups, is going to happen after I’m long gone.

I’m not being pessimistic here. It’s just that I think things actually change much slower than others may think societies change.