
John Oliver on the Dangerous Posers Climbing Mount Everest in Droves [VIDEO]

Renaissance_Man6/24/2019 7:20:26 pm PDT

re: #284 Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus

Everything is faster in the 21st century.

However, in regards to Trump, while the Trumpers will stick with him to the bitter end, is Trump gaining any new followers?

I don’t seem to find very many young people, who are not already part of the Young Republicans gimmick, or who are not otherwise faces for a front of religious-right groups, showing up in Trumper timelines or in support of Trump.

To hopefully the disappointment of the usual actors, young people are just not drawn to Trump. I gather that most Americans under 30 are rather put off by Trump.

On the contrary, I think lots of young people are drawn to Trumpism in general.

Trumpism is the mentality of a 5th grade bully writ large. White teenage males in particular love the idea of being able to say and do anything they like with no consequences, because the idea of getting in trouble and apologising for anything is alien to them. Schoolkids bullying each other by chanting ‘Trump’, for instance, is exactly the mentality that appeals. A compliant media culture that encourages feeling no shame for acting in this manner makes it very appealing. I think we will see that young people, especially white young people but also across other races, will find Trumpism a very natural fit.