
Overnight Bird

Irish Rose11/18/2009 6:54:15 am PST

All of the other Newsweek covers with Palin have passed muster.

And she IS bad news for the GOP… The fundamentalist right-wing has nearly destroyed the GOP. Our last GOP candidate was a moderate - an inexcusible sin to the GOP’s purist, right-wing ideological hardliners who did everything in their power to prevent his election to the Presidency. Palin is soundly in their camp and deliberately trying to drive the party back to the hard right.

Moderate and non-religious Republicans are sick and tired of having their party hijacked by hardliners, they’re sick of being called RINOS liberals and leftists by their fellow Republicans, and they’re fed up with being lumped in with right-wing extremists and theocrats who want to push their SoCon religious agenda onto every single American man, woman and child.

Palin is working 24/7 to put politicians from the religious right into powerful seats, because she and others like her think that they’re “doing Gods’ will… they’re absoluteley convinced that they know whats’ best and right for all Americans regardless of race, creed, ethnicity and sexual orientation.

In doing so, she’s going to help insure that the GOP stays in the minority for at least the next two election cycles, perhaps even longer.