
Pamela Geller Pays to Publish Xenophobic Press Release

webevintage8/16/2010 10:33:48 am PDT

re: #287 lawhawk

Op ed: Blocking the Ground Zero mosque plays right into the hands of the very jihadis who carried out the attacks.

I was thinking that today.
I know that using the words “the terrorists win” can be the butt of a lot of good humor, but really in this case the terrorists do “win” if the Park51 Mosque/Community Center is moved or not built.
We cannot act on emotion and fear.

and really I’m more disgusted to find out that there will be an actual underground mall on the WTC site going though the ground where there are bits of dead people killed on 9/11 in it. Now to me that is offensive.
Buying and selling inside a gravesite…nice.
Hallowed ground and all that.
I wonder what Pamela Geller and President Palin think about that?