
More Than a Quarter of Republicans Believe Anti-Govt Violence Can Be Justified

Dark_Falcon1/11/2011 7:59:33 pm PST

re: #286 Obdicut

Can you explain how pointing out the very, very, very true fact that the GOP has used large amounts of violent rhetoric is an attempt to immobilize the GOP?

Saying that the rhetoric has gotten overheated is not the same as the ‘climate of hate’ allegation. Saying that a party has fostered a ‘climate of hate’ backs the other side into a corner.

How can you distinguish that from an actual desire for the GOP to stop using dangerous and inflammatory rhetoric?

One cannot be sure, but given past attempts within the media to portray conservatives as haters it is a probability. We saw it endlessly during the Bush years, with George W. supporters being referred to as “American Taliban” (though not, be it noted, from any liberal who post on this blog).

And I haven’t gone wingnut. I’ve got a Scott Wheeler column I’ll be fisking in an hour or two.