
Arizona's White Nationalist Senate President Russell Pearce Gets the Boot

lawhawk11/09/2011 6:30:01 am PST

re: #297 Killgore Trout

It’s the nature of a disposable economy. Convenience trumps frugality and common sense. If you can get a plastic fork instead of having to wash the regular utensil, someone’s likely to go to the plastic.

And bamboo for all of its renewablility is still something that requires quite a bit of energy to turn into a plate/cup/utensil, and the process requires quite a few nasty chemicals at that - similar to those required to make regular paper. So, while you can regrow bamboo quite quickly (but which requires prodigious amounts of water) compared to a tree, which takes a generation or longer to reforest, it isn’t quite the panacea either.

It’s all about tradeoffs and balancing costs.

If you think about the permanence of a metal utensil and ceramic plate versus the plastic and bamboo disposable versions of same, the higher energy cost to make the former will over time be far less than having to make the plastic and bamboo items over and over again.

Same thing with vehicles and pretty much everything else. If you get something durable that’s going to last longer, it will end up saving energy in the long run.